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Saturday, January 17, 2009

How to remove or uninstall AVG?

How to remove AVG? How to uninstall AVG? These types of brain storming questions arising when you can't remove or uninstall AVG anti-virus at-any-cost. AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, a the best free anti-virus program by Grisoft. But sometimes it must need to remove or uninstall from your PC. But you can't do it normally by applying traditional un-installation process. If you fall this group, then keep reading and apply step by step. It must removed. But do it stepwise. Oh, one thing, do you know "Why AVG is not uninstall normally?" Probably not. This page give you the total solution.

What is AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition?

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is a best free anti-virus by Grisoft. It can provide basic anitviurs and antispyware protection for windows. It is also very helpful for real-time protection from poisoned web pages.

Why you need to remove or uninstall AVG Anti-Virus?

You need to remove or uninstall AVG antivirus for several causes. Some of the causes are given below:
  • If your AVG is became a corrupted virus signatures, it's funcitonality goes down and you need to remove it.
  • Because corrupted virus signatures have caused it not to update properly or it would not start properly. Then it it needs to be reinstalled.
  • Moreover, if you install a new email client after AVG, you'll need to uninstall it and reinstall it so this email program is protected. Otherwise, your email will not be protected.
  • Moreover, if you want to install other anti-virus software, you also need to uninstall it.
Why AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition can't remove or uninstall?

The main reason behind this is that at the installation time, no uninstall utility is installed. So, how dare you to uninstall that? But soon you will learn the way to uninstall or remove it from your PC easily.

How to remove or uninstall AVG ?

Here I will mention several methods. Guys apply them step-by-step. Try them from the first. Not last.

Method 01:

  1. Download AVG Remover Tool tool from
  2. After downloading, run it by double clicking.
  3. When finished, restart your pc and check whether it exists or gone (I mean remove or uninstall).
  4. If gone then smile. Otherwise, apply "method 02".
Method 02:
  1. Download AVG antivirus to your desktop from Download AVG Antiviurs.
  2. Double-click on the downloaded file to run it, when it finished downloading.
  3. At the time of installation, when it gives options like (Add/Remove Components, Repair installation and Uninstall), choose Uninstall from them.
  4. After the completion of uninstallation, restart your computer.
  5. Hopefully, it removes and smile now. Ok, if not follow "Method 03".
Method 03:
  1. Go to Start -> Run.
  2. Type regedit and hit Enter key.
  3. Navigate the following location:
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AVG8Uninstall
  4. Right click on AVG and AVG8Uninstall respectively, and select Delete to remove the AVG related registry keys.
  5. Now, I think your problem is totally solved. Not last step, go to "Method 04".
Method 04:
  1. Download AVG antivirus to your desktop from Download AVG Antiviurs and install it.
  2. Next download Revo Uninstaller and install it.
  3. Now run Revo Uninstaller and remove AVG.
  4. Sounds great!! I think you success to remove AVG.
Dear guys, I must have successfully remove or uninstall AVG from your PC. If you still face problem then give a comment, I will try to reply you. Moreover, if you success, don't forget to tell others this great site's talk...

Remove AVG and Enjoy !!

If you are enjoyed this post, please consider to leave a comment at the comment section of this page or Subscribe to the feed to get new articles which will be delivered to your feed reader.

How to hide "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)"

At the end of your blog you may see like "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)". It's used for your readers to subscribe to your Blog posts. If you use Feed Burner, you don't need that. Feed burner is enough to do it more nicely. So, many people prefers not to use this or hide this or delete this.
Hiding "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" is very easy and very simple. Just follow the following steps:
  1. Log in to "" and go to Dashboard.
  2. Select Layout
  3. Select Edit HTML
  4. Now fine the line: ]]></b:skin> </head> [you may use Ctrl+F to find that ]
  5. Insert .feed-links { display:none; } before that line (line which you find in step 4)
Final outlook of the template code:

.feed-links { display:none; }
]]></b:skin> </head>


That's all for hiding or deleting "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)". Check your blog. There is not "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)". In this way, you can easily hide or remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" from your blog.

Pictorial Explanation:

Hope, you enjoy blogging

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How to log in Windows XP if you forget your administrator password

You can log in your windows XP, if you have password reset disk. If you don't have password reset disk, you may still log in and can recover your administrator password or any other password. This page will tell you step by step procedure to recover your Windows XP administrator password. Follow the steps:

Step 1: Boot Your PC with XP CD
Take a bootable Windows XP CD and keep it in your PC's CD-ROM. Now reboot your PC. Hit any key when you see "Press any key to boot from cd" on the screen. Then, the first screen will indicate that Setup is inspecting the system hardware and loading files

Step 2: XP Setup with Repair Mode
  • After sometime, you see Welcome screen and press "ENTER" to Setup Windows now.

  • Press F8 to accept the Licensing Agreement.

  • Press R to repair

  • Now Xp setup will continue and wait...

At last, you will see that your PC is rebooting and follow the next step. Remember, don't hit any key during reboot.

Step 3: Password Setting (Do carefully)

After rebooting, you will find like the right picture. Now do the following things:
  • Press "SHIFT + F10" and a command console will be appeared.

  • Type "NUSRMGR.CPL" and press Enter. You have gained graphical access to your User Accounts in the Control Panel.

  • Now remove or change your administrator or user accounts passwords as you prefer.

Step 4: Enjoy with the old desktop
After finishing password related works, let your PC finished installing Windows XP. When you finished, you will see your Logon window and you will be able to log on with your new password.

Now log on to your password. After logging you will see that all of your programs and personalized settings still remain intact.

Thus, by following the above steps you can easily recover you Windows XP administrator password and users passwords also.

Hope, you success.... :)

How to install new templates without loosing any widgets?

Most of the blog owners think that it's not possible to change the blogger template without loosing any widgets. But that's not true. It's possible to do that. Just read this page and apply the techniques. Then you will find your answer and enjoy your new template.

No technical knowledge is required.
Just follow the steps.

Step 1: Save your current template
At first, save your current template. You must do it. If you don't know how to backup current template then go to How to Back-Up Your Blog's Template Design? It's very necessary to backup your template. Because if you don't successful then you can easily recover or get back to your old template world. So, never forget to save your current template before doing all these.

Step 2: Collect your new template and use a text editor
Are you still collect the desired template for your blog? If not, collect it form the internet. Search Google and you will find lots of free templates. If you have already one, no need to search.

Now, you need a text editor. You may use Notepad++. If you don't have, download Notepad++ Installer.exe file. You can use any type of editor also.

Step 3: Open the old template .xml files in the text editor
Open the old template file in Notepad++.

Step 4: Find the widgets code and copy them to a new file
This is the most important part and you have to handle it carefully.
a. First, find <body> tag. Before this tag, you don't need to look anything.
b. Now, remember the following lines:
  • all widgets code begins with <b:widget> and ends with </b:widget>.
  • all widgets code must be located between <b:section> and </b:section> tag.
  • all <b:section>...</b:section> must be located within <div id=...>...... </div>
Look the following example: each color code represent one widgets.

<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='LinkList1' locked='true' title='Linkbar' type='LinkList'> ...
... some additional codes here ...

<b:widget id='HTML1' .....;
<b:widget id='Image1' .....;


c. Remember, we only need widgets code and it begins with <b:widget> and ends with </b:widget> . So, <b:widget>....</b:widget> one block. Find and copy all blocks of code and paste them in a file such as "myWidget.txt". No need to do anything.

Step 5: Open the new template with notepad++
Open the new template file with notepad++.

Step 6: Finding <widget> and pasting in new template
a. First find the <b:section> code.
b. Paste all the text form "myWidget.txt" immediately after <b:section>
c. Save the new template now.

Step 7: Uploading the new template and saving
a. Go to Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > Browse(give the template location) > Upload.
b. After finished uploading, click SAVE TEMPLATE.

Step 8: Re-arranging all the wedgets
a. Go to Dashboard > Layout > Page Elements
b. Rearrange all the widgets as your own wish by dragging and dropping.
c. At last, click Save and click View to view your blog with new templates.

Are you finished? Yes,.... I think so.

So, is it very hard or difficult .......... ??

What do you think? I think, you will say "It's very easy".

This is the easiest way to keep all the widgets and change the templates. Many blog owner don't do it as they think they might lose their widgets. But if they go in this way, all's are possible. So, if you don't change your blog template, then do just now. It's very easy. One thing, before doing any type of changing don't forget to back up your blog's template.

Hope, you wish your blogging....

How to change blogger template?

People change blogger template just to new outlook of their blog. But before doing this, don't forget to backup of your existing template. How-to-back-up-your-blog will provide you the instructions to backup your blog.

No technical knowledge is required.
Just follow the instructions.

Note: At first select or download the template, which you want to use as your blogger new template. You can find many types of template (free) by searching Google.

You can change blogger template several ways. But the simplest way is described here:
  1. After logging, click on Dashboard.
  2. Select the blog you want to change template. Click on Layout of the chosen blog.
  3. Now, select Edit HTML.
  4. When Edit html window appears, you will see an option mentioning Choose File. Click on that.
  5. Choose the desired .xml file from and select that and then press the Upload button.
  6. Now press SAVE TEMPLATE to save the new template.
Sometimes, it may ask Delete Some Widgets. So, delete them, Widgets are the extra page elements and you can add them easily later.

Pictorial Explanation:

And that's all, you are now ready to use your new template.

Hope, you enjoy your blogging.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blogger blog's CSS Style Structure

Blogger blog's CSS Style Structure

In this part, a basic overview of CSS part will be introduced. Previous part (Code structure of blogger template ) only describes about the CSS style block names and what those can do. Here, the code structure of CSS part will be explained. The template of blogger varies. But the most important part is common to every blogger template. So, if you know the basic of the common part, you may be able to understand all's easily. Let's move to the basic CSS code style structures:

Part 1: Variables
Variables are used to define font and colors of the blogger template. Through this part template header, font color, style etc. are defined. You can change it's color and fonts from the following locations:

Layout > Fonts and Colors

Minima's variable deceleration is like the following:

/* Variable definitions */

<Variable name="bgcolor" description="Page Background Color"
type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff">

<Variable name="textcolor" description="Text Color"
type="color" default="#333" value="#333333">

<Variable name="linkcolor" description="Link Color"
type="color" default="#58a" value="#5588aa">

<Variable name="pagetitlecolor" description="Blog Title Color"
type="color" default="#666" value="#666666">

<Variable name="descriptioncolor" description="Blog Description Color"
type="color" default="#999" value="#999999">

<Variable name="titlecolor" description="Post Title Color"

Part 2 : Global

Firstly, the body of the template is mapped. It's the major part of your blog. Global part is defined by the word "body" and is defined "{" and "}". Here, the template background color, margin, font, font-size, text-align etc. are defined. Typical, "minima" template has the following type of global deceleration part.

/* global */

body {

font:x-small Georgia Serif;
font-size/* */:/**/small;
font-size: /**/small;
text-align: center;

Part 3: Header

Header wrapper related information is presented here. Header title, header description, color etc. information are presented here. The code segment looks like the following:

/* Header */

#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:1px solid $bordercolor;

Part 4: Main Wrapper

Main-wrapper contains "date header", "post", "comment" etc. You can customize it, by adding page elements form the layout option. It controls size, appearance of your blog. "Minima" template has the following main wrapper code segments:

/* Main-Wrapper */

#main-wrapper {
width: 410px;
float: $startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */

Part 6: Sidebar Wrapper

Sidebar-wrapper contains several things like "Labels", "Blog Archive", "AdSense" adds, "Link Lists", "Picture", "Bookmarking" tabs etc. "Minima" template has the following sidebar wrapper code segments:

/* Sidebar-Wrapper */

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: $endSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */

Part 7: Miscellaneous
It's the additional part of your blogger template and contains several information like "About me" or your blog quote etc. It's actually the profile of the blog owner. The code segment of "Minima" template is like the followings:

/* Sidebar-Wrapper */

/* Profile */
.profile-img {
float: $startSide;
margin-top: 0;
margin-$endSide: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-$startSide: 0;

Part 8: Post-Footer:
The footer is the part below the post body. It contains the post related information like "Posted by PosterName", "Labels", "10 Comments", "Link to this post" etc. Sometimes, it may contains "Feed" also. The code segment of "Minima" template is like the followings:

/* Sidebar-Wrapper */

/* Profile */
.profile-img {
float: $startSide;
margin-top: 0;
margin-$endSide: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-$startSide: 0;

Part 9: Comment:
All the comment related information is presented here. Here you can define "comment header", "comment-author" etc. Typical, "minima" template has the following code segment:

/* Comments */

#comments h4 {
margin:1em 0;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1.4em;

Part 10: Footer:
Footer part contains related information about blog ownership, copyright notes. Moreover, you can add more stuffs like "Recent Posts", "AdSense" ads, "Popular Posts" etc. The code segment of the "Minima" looks like the followings:

/* Footer */

#footer {
margin:0 auto;

This is the basic style of CSS on blogger template. You just learn and remember them for advancing the next section. Remember, it's very simple to design blogger template.

Code structure of blogger template

A blogger template is made of codes. The code of the bog templates vary template to template. But most of the time there is some similarities. All blogs template must have header, content and footer. All these are sited on the body of the template. Whatever, here I want to discuss a very shortly the main important code structure of blogger template. I use "Minima" template for describing it. It's the default template of Blogger. To learn about blogger template structure, click here. "Minima" template can be downloaded freely form your blog. If you don't know to download, click here to download "Minima" template. You need to download it because this tutorials are based on that template. So, download that and learn all things clearly.

Blogger code structure can be divided into three basic sections. They are explained below:

Section 1: Header And Meta Tags Code

Header part is the most important thing of blogger template as it contains lots of valuable information. This section is only about header part. Actually, you don't have to think about this part. You don't need to change anything form here. But if you want to apply SEO for your blog then you have to add some meta tags of this section.

Section 2: Template Design Code

This part resolved template design issues. It is made of CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) code. CSS is one of the code which is used for designing template. Moreover, you have to know HTML. But in this days, you don't need to know all about the web programming code. Most of the things are drag and drop types. However, if you know this, you will do lots of things with your blogger template.

Section 3: Body code

This is the most important part of your code segment. Based on this code, your blog shows everything. It defines all the header, post contents, comments, blog footer, sidebar information and contents etc. If you only post content, then no need to change anything. Otherwise, you have to change it. You may be use ratting or social bookmarking buttons. So, your have to put some code in this section. This type of cases you have to know some coding. But all are very simple. It requires little knowledge. Go on the more deeper of this tutorials and you will find everything to edit the blogger body. When you finished learning then you can add social bookmaking buttons like Digg, AddThis, RSS buttons, Tagfoot Widgets, AdSense codes, Google Analytics codes etc. So, go to the next sections of the tutorials. And soon you will learn them all.

Blogger Template Structure

Designing and creating of blogger template is very easy. But before doing that you have to know about blogger template structure. Blogger template is made of small components. Generally each component is termed or referred as block. There are several types of block and the blocks are created for based on different types of functionalists.

Blogger template varies. There is no predefined structure of blogger template. Blogger use several blocks or modules as their requirements. But every blog has a body and at least three wrappers such as header-wrapper, content-wrapper and footer-wrapper.

The blogger template could be made of with the followings blocks or modules:

Body: The screen which we see i.e. the entire screen of the template is referred as template’s body. All types of blocks are situated on the body. The body is the placeholder of any types of blocks.

Outer wrapper: It’s on the body and cut the body’s area into several areas. Generally, it divides the whole area into three major parts. They outer wrapper divides the area into the following three wrapper parts: header wrapper, content wrapper and footer wrapper.

Header Wrapper: At the top of the blogger template is known as header wrapper. A header contains basically the header of the blogger. But modern template can contains the following things also:

  • Blog Title: It's the title of the blog. Most often, it's the blog name;
  • Blog Description: Below the blog title, there is a short description part. It describe the blogs content description very shortly but summarized.
  • Header Image: If anyone wish, he or she can also add a header image also. It's optional.
  • Other Widgets: Moreover, you can also add AdSense ads, RSS feed icon, blog menu etc. as your own wish. All these blocks are optional.

Content Wrapper: Content wrapper an important part of your blog. It contains many things. It's position is below the header. Content wrapper can be divided the whole area into several parts, such as, sidebars, post parts etc. Some of the blocks description are presented below:
  • Main Wrapper: Main wrapper is the most important part of the content wrapper. It contains posts and sometimes ads etc.
  • Posts: The actual content of any blogger is published here. The posts part also contains levels, comments, date, time, ads etc.
  • Sidebars: Generally, besides the main wrapper there are side bars. The actual no of sidebars depend of the blogger. You may add 1, 2, 3 sidebars.

Footer Wrapper: At the bottom of the blogger template, there is a part which is referred as footer wrapper. Most often, it's the footer of your blog. It may contains, several things. If you want to add several things, you need to subdivide like the header. You may also put several contents like RSS feed, copyright information, blogs' owner, AdSense code etc.

Structure of blogger template

Hierarchy of Blogger Template Structure:

The hierarchy of blogger template structure can be defined by the following way:

  • Body
    • Outer-wrapper
      • Header-wrapper
        • Blog Title
        • Blog Description
        • Header Image
        • Other widgets [like RSS, Ads etc.]
      • Content-wrapper
        • Sidebar-wrapper
        • Main-wrapper
          • Date Header
          • Posts
          • Post Title
          • Post Content
          • Author
          • Labels
          • Comments
          • Feed Link
        • Other widgets [like RSS, Ads etc.]
      • Footer-wrapper
        • Footer text
        • Other widgets [like RSS, Ads etc.]

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How to use dividers among the posts of blogger?

Naturally, blogger doesn't use dividers among the posts. But you can easily add it. This helps to enhance your blog beautification. This page will provide instruction to do this. Go on reading...

Page Index:

What is dividers?
How to add dividers among the post?

No technical knowledge is required.
Just 2 steps solution
What is dividers?

Dividers are sometimes called lines which may be used to separate your blog's posts easily. Successful installation of dividers can increase blog's beauty. So, many blog owners use them.

How to add dividers among the post?

Before doing this, don't forget to back up your blog. If you want to learn more click here to read.

Step 1: At first host the image which you want to use as dividers. Let our image is located in this url: "http://myimage.jpg". Now, go to "Dashboard", then "Layout" and then "Edit html". Later, find the following code segment to your blog:

.post {
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom:1px dotted $bordercolor;
[Note: Your code may be different. But it must be start with ".post". ]
Step 2: Copy the following line of codes and replace this code with the previous block of codes:

.post {
background: url(http://myimage.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: bottom center;
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom:0px dotted $bordercolor;

At last save it.

Note: Don't forget to change the url. The url will be your image url where the image is located.

By following the above way you can easily set dividers among the post.

One Model Example:

Let we want to set the the following picture as dividers among the posts:
Now, after adding it as a divider then the blog looks like the followings:

That's all about inserting dividers among the blog posts.

Hope, you enjoy blogging.

Monday, January 12, 2009

How to add a customized RSS icon in a blog?

You can easily customize your feed icon with cool and fine design or picture as your own wish. Remember, it's very easy and interesting. This page will tell you the process. Read on...

No technical knowledge is required.
Only 2 steps solution.

This Page index:

How to add a customize RSS icon of your blog?

How to add a customize RSS icon of your blog?

Step 1: After log in, go to "Dashboard", then "Layout" and select "Page Elements". After these, click on "Add a Gadget" and form the lists of gadgets, choose "HTML/JavaScript".

Step 2: Now copy the following code segment to the "Configure HTML/JavaScrip" window and click "Save" button.

<a href="your-feed-url" target="_blank">

<img src="your-image-link" border="0" />


Your Feed URL:
This means the URL of your blog's feed URL. It may be two types: default feed URL and Feedburner feed URL. Anyone you can use.

Default feed looks like the followings:

If you use feed burner feed then just put your feed burner url.

Your RSS Picture URL:
This means the picture URL. The picture must be hosted somewhere in the internet like TinyPic, Flixya, or PhotoBucket.

For example:

For the blog "set123" the url may be followings:
  • feed url :
  • picture url: [it's uploaded in TinyPic]
  • And then, the code will be like the following:

So, the final outlook may like the followings:

Customize RSS Icon : Final output

In this way, you can add your own picture as RSS. I think, you success.

Hope, you enjoy your blogging.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to Back-Up Your Blog's Gadgets

This page will cover some basic things related to back-up of your blog.

This Page index:

What is meant by "Blog's Gadgets"?
What is meant by back up of blog's gadgets?
Why have to back-up blog's gadgets?
Steps of back up blog's gadgets.

No technical knowledge is required.
Just 2 steps solution

What is meant by "Blog's Gadgets"?

Blog's gadgets mean the extra parts of your blog which you add to your blog's original templates. Each gadget has one specific task. Suppose, you may put a gadget of "Feed Burner", which will show the latest blog posts.

What is meant by back up of blog's gadgets?

It means taking a back-up your blog's gadgets. Remember, you can't take back up some types of gadgets such as "About Me". But don't worry, they are always built in. You just have to change the title only.

Why have to back-up blog's gadgets?

You have to back-up all the gadgets for the following reasons:
  • if we want to switch to a new Template i.e. if you want to change your blog's design
  • if we want to switch one blog's platform to another blog's platform
  • if you don't want to lose gadgets (widgets)

NOTE: This page revels the process of backing up blog's gadgets only. If you need to back up your blog completely (posts + comments), click here to read. Moreover, if you only need to back up your blog's design, click here to read.

Steps of back up blog's gadgets:

Backing up Blog's template is very easy as 1-2-3. Any ambiguity? Just follow the following steps:

Step 01: After log in to, go to "Dashboard" and then go to "Layout".

Step 2: From the "Layout" tab, click on "Page Elements". You will see several rectangle boxs. All of them are gadgets or widgets. To back up any gadget, just clik the "Edit" option of that gadgets. A window will open. From here, copy the code and paste it to notepad and save. Later, when you install a new template, just add the code you've saved through Add Gadget option.

In this way, you can easily finished the back up procedure of blog's gadgets.

Hope, you enjoy your blogging.

How to Back-Up Your Blog Completely (Posts + Comments)

This page will cover some basic things related to back-up of your complete blog.

This Page index:

What is meant by "back-up blog completely"?

Steps of back up complete blog.

No technical knowledge is required.
Just 3 steps solution

What is meant by "back-up blog completely" for blog?

It means taking a back-up your blog's design template, comments and all the contents.

Before editing your blog's template or if you want to switch one blog to another blog, you need to back up all things from one blog to another.

I suggest that you must take a back up of your blog at least once a week. This will help you several critical positions. This page will explain how you can back up your complete blog.

NOTE: This page revels the process of backing up the whole blog. If you want to take back up only blog's design template then click here to read. Moreover, if you only need to back up your blog's gadgets, click here to read.

Steps of back up complete blog (Template + Comments + Posts):

Backing up Blog's template is very easy as 1-2-3. Any ambiguity? Just follow the following steps:

Step 01: After log in to, go to "Dashboard" and then go to "Settings".

Step 2: From the "Settings" tab, select "Basic". Now, from the "Blog Tools"click on "Export Blog".

Step 3: Now click "Download Blog" and set the download location. Download will stars within a few seconds.

In this way, you can easily finished the back up procedure of blog's design.

Note: Remember, this method is only applicable for downloading whole blog. If you want to download only your blog template, click here to read. Moreover, if you only need to back up your blog's gadgets, click here to read.

Hope, you enjoy your blogging.

How to Back-Up Your Blog's Template Design

This page will a good idea about back up your blog's template design.

This Page index:

What is meant by "back-up template design" for blog?

Steps of back up blog's design template.

No technical knowledge is required.
Just 2 steps solution

What is meant by "back-up template design" for blog?

It means taking a back-up your blog's design template, nothing else.

Before editing your blog's template, you always try to keep a back-up of your blog' template..

I suggest that you must take a back up of your blog template. Because you may do mistake at the time of your blog customization. So, later you can easily restore the template form the back-up ones. This page will explain related to back-up your blog's template design.

NOTE: This page revels the process of backing up blog's design. If you need to back up your blog completely (posts + comments) , click here to read. Moreover, if you only need to back up your blog's gadgets, click here to read.

Steps of back up blog's template:

Backing up Blog's template is very easy as 1-2-3. Any ambiguity? Just follow the following steps:

Step 01: After log in to, go to "Dashboard" and then go to "Layout".

Step 2: From the "Layout" tab, select "Edit HTML". Now, click on "Download Full Template" and within few second a downloading window appeared and download it to your desired location.

In this way, you can easily finished the back up procedure of blog's design.

Hope, you enjoy your blogging.

How to Back-Up Your Blog

This page will cover some basic things related to back-up of your blog.

This Page index:

What is meant by "back-up template" for blog?
Why bloggers want to change template?
What is the time to back-up blog template?
Why back-up is necessary?
What are the types of back-up?
Back-up Blogger Template Design
Back-up Blog completely: Posts + Comments
Back-up Blogger Widgets / Gadgets

What is meant by "back-up template" for blog?

Simply, it's the way to save a copy of blog's current templates.

"Back-up template" means to save a copy of your blog's template before doing any customization or editing any html or CSS code of your blog.

Why blog owners want to change template?

The main objective to change any template is to change blog's current design.

What is the time to back-up blog template?

Before doing any customization of any blog's template, it is better to take a back-up of current template.

Why back-up is necessary?

If you want to customize your blog's design, you must have to edit your blog's template code. Because you may mistakenly type wrong code or can do any type of errors. It may damage the whole blog. So, it's save; before doing this type of activities.

What are the types of back-up?

Blog's back-up relates to three types of back-up things:
  1. Back-up Blogger Template Design
  2. Back up Blog completely: Posts + Comments
  3. Back up Blogger Widgets / Gadgets

Back-up Blogger Template Design:

If you copy only blog's template, then this type of copy termed as back-up template design. For more details, click here.

Back-up Blog completely: Posts + Comments:

This means taking back-up of the complete blog. Every posts and comments are also included in this process. For more details, click here.

Back-up Blogger Widgets / Gadgets:

If you only take back-up only to the blogs widgets, then it is known as back-up of widgets or gadgets. For more details, click here.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Navbar : How to hide or change the color of navbar?

By default, the Blogger Navbar is appeared at the top of every Blogger-powered blog. Several features such as "Search Blog" , "Flag Blog", "Dashboard" etc. are presented through Navbar. You may keep it on your blog or disable it on your blog. This page will provide everything related to Navbar.

No technical knowledge is required except reading this page.
[But, Before doing any change, don't forget to backup your blog. To learn more about backup, just click here]

This tutorial will cover the following things:

Part A: What is Navbar?
Part B: Features of Navbar.
Part C: Why do you need to disable Navbar?
Part D: How to change Navbar color?
Part E: How to Disable Navebar?

Part A: What is Navbar?

Simply, a Navbar appears at the top of every Blogger-powered blog by default. Sometimes it may be a great thing for your blog but somethime may effect your blog's outlooking. A typical Navbar looks like the following:

Part B: Features of Navbar:

  • [B]: it will redirected you or
  • Search Blog: is used for searching. The search result will be viewable that page directly.
  • Flag Blog: is used to mark the current blog as objectionable.
  • NextBlog: will take you to any random blog. Generally, it takes you the recently-updated Blogger blog.
  • [e-mail address]: It you are logged in to your Blog account, you can see your own address. Otherewise, you will will not see your email address.

  • Dashboard: When you are logged in, by clicking here, you will be taken to your dashboard.
  • Sign In/Out: If you are in signed in, you will see "Sign Out". Otherwise, you will see "Sign In".

Part C: Why do you need to disable Navbar?

If you like to customized your blog's design, Navbar generally doesn't fit in. So, it doesn't look good. So, it's good to disable Navbar such type of cases.

Part D: How to change Navebar color?

3 steps solution

Step 1: Login to your blogger account and go to "Dashboard" and then to "Layout".

Step 2: From "Layout", click on "Edit" in the Navbar box.

Step 3: Now you will see a new window opens with 4 different colors. Pick anyone form that and click "Save" to save it.

And all the three steps are enough to change your Blog's Navbar color.

Part E: How to Disable Navebar?

3 steps solution

Step 1: After logged in to, go to "Dashboard", then "Layout", then "Edit HTML" and check "Expand Widget Templates".

Step 2: Find out the following codes. [This code doen't match to all. But every template has similar type of codes. This code just gives template description and it has no effect.]

How to hide navbar: Step 02
[the above picture is taken form the default template of minma]

Step 3: Now, copy the following code and put them just after that code. And must click on "SAVE TEMPLATE". Otherwise, you have to do it again.

#navbar-iframe {

That's all. See there is no Navbar of your blog.

So, in this way, you can easily change your blog's Navbar color and hide Navbar.

Hope, you enjoy your blogging.